Current Offerings
Pollinators Online Community
Together we explore how to bring HoneyRoot inspired work (somatic and soulful embodiment) to women’s groups in your area.
The pollinator membership includes regular online meetings as well as access to HoneyRoot’s membership resource page
Past Courses
Explore Honeyroot’s past online courses. Click on course details to read more. Though this is not a complete list of all past courses, here you will get a taste of what HoneyRoot offers!
As women, we are carriers. Whether is be unprocessed energy of past relationships, pregnancies, miscarriages, abortions, births, surgeries, or physical injury, our womb spaces can be left with a deep need to be held in safety, to tell its story, to be honored and revered for all it has experienced. This is where healing happens -- in the telling... in the being received. Come contribute to the conversations that so often go unspoken. Make art of your womb's story. Write, tell, draw, dance, tell, sing, paint, unwind and heal.
Anger is one of the most misunderstood energies that women possess. Anger is a cleansing agent, a boundary setter, a truth bringer - when we give it room to breathe. In this course, we will 1) remember the wisdom of fire, 2) explore how to hold boundaries, anger, and rage in a loving container, 3) gain clarity and will in order to see the passion and playfulness that seeks to be in service of truth and empowerment.
We are living in a dynamic time in human history which is calling for us to continue to grow our capacity for discernment and to set healthy boundaries. The wisdom of our animal bodies can show us the pathway back to our core boundaries, our “yes's” and our “no's”, and our impulse to move towards or away. This wisdom paired with compassionate self reflection and heart centered, body based communication allows us to continue to refine how we utilize boundaries to shape and engage with all aspects of our lives.
Course Details
Embody a timeless, vast understanding of our nature. In this course, we will 1) tap into subtle energies and expand our capacity for seeing things as they are (while keeping our feet on the ground), 2) practice the art of sovereignty, and 3) re-create our story and our self perception from a wider-view.
Wake up pussies! It's time to meow! In this online course we will activate the profound power of the pelvic floor to help find your inner song. Through movement, breath, and sound we will uncover limiting beliefs around voice, and open the doorway to a full bodied creative expression. We will explore the connection between yoni & throat, release old beliefs about your voice, open your throat, and free your authentic expression and let her fly!
Intuition -- a word with many meanings, a word that points to different things for different people. What is it? How to we hear it, feel it, recognize it when it is communicating? In this course, we will 1) explore the influences that have shaped our body's ways of communicating, 2) examine the difference between instinct, intuition, and insight, 3) practice strengthening our ability to "hear" and follow intuitive guidance.
There are different textures and qualities of love, and we all tend to be better skilled at some more than others. In this course, we will explore each of the 7 flavors of love and learn 7 different ways to connect with ourselves and others. We’ll understand how our expression of love gets constricted, blocked or distorted, and we will use embodied practices to restore the flow of love. Because our capacity to love impacts all of our relationships - including family and friends, at work, with partners and within ourselves, The 7 Flavors of Love gives you access to the quality of connectedness that is relevant to each relationship. This course is designed to bring wisdom, clarity and compassion into everyday interactions and expand your capacity to love the people in your life whole-heartedly.
The great power and wisdom that we naturally develop through our lifetime is not often recognized and acknowledged as we get older. Fortunately, this cultural ignorance is beginning to lift, and we at HoneyRoot are devoted to bringing the importance of eldership back into day-to-day conversation. Together, as we acknowledge and honor this transition as the sacred act it is, we stand in the truth of nature and make more room for the respect it deserves. As we know, this process starts within.
Our base chakra and all the flesh, muscle, tissue, and energy that is lives within is our primary, primordial connection. Our "deeply rooted" beliefs about safety, security, relational reliability, and self worth reside here, as these were formed in response to some of our earliest experiences.
Maybe your sex is sexy. Maybe your sex is steamy. Maybe your sex is so-so. But is your sex sacred? Take a journey into embodied devotion. In this five-week course, we will share as sisters do and learn an easy to adopt (and adapt!) approach to bringing consciousness, reverence and some definite juiciness into your sex using the following steps to guide us: Connection, Invocation, Relaxation, Activation and Integration. You will come away inspired and expanded in your relationship to your sexual essence, and prepared for luscious lovemaking whether with yourself or a partner.
Somatics and the Soul is offered as a way to keep us woven together and resourced during this unprecedented time — a way to support our bodies, our hearts, our creativity, and our vision and, thus, our communities, big and small.