What past attendees have to say:

"The content of the courses offered was stimulating, deep, and “sister connecting”.  The presenters were very skilled and embodied in the content they delivered.  The food was wonderful.  I really felt like I was on a very luxurious relaxing retreat, and at the same time I was able to do some very deep transformational work. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"A huge thank you! I am completely delighted with what got created and so honored to have been a part of it. I learned so much and was so touched by the amazing women who joined us. I’m so in awe of what you took on and the grace with which you navigated us into the heart and body of the feminine."

"Oh I had so much fun singing and drawing and sharing and ecstatic dancing.  It was beautiful the way we shared our perspectives, our emotions, our creative passions and our spiritual chi.  Just lovely."

"It was truly a life changing event, and I now dance and engage in movement every single day. Before Honeyroot I was not in touch with my body in the way I am now. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!"

"You are wonderful, courageous, dedicated and skilled.  This HoneyRoot was so nourishing for me in many, many ways. Thank you for creating this.  I am filled, nourished, and enriched."

"More than anything I am left with the remembrance of how delicious it is to be in a field of embodied women, how deep the dance went, and how fully we laughed, how much we allowed ourselves to remember. I especially treasure the beautiful selection of facilitators you gathered.  :-)"

"My favorite part was when I looked around on opening night and realized I was among other women who are part of a feminine mystery school.  It was like a homecoming. Super well organized.  You served as excellent parents, anchors, and examples."
~Melissa S.


"2 days after the workshop I was still feeling the music, and I seemed to want to move, even when I was standing still..."
~Sharon G


You brought skilled  facilitation, inspiration, a positive vibe and a rich schedule/offering of possibilities together at a beautiful location with excellent food. The rituals were awesome as well."

"What a blessing this gathering is. There is so much power and beauty and feminine knowing beneath the surface we so commonly reside in. You have created a space where this can be discovered, remembered.  Thank you for the invitation, the recognition, the permission. Wow. "
~BB; 2012 & 2013 HR participant