HoneyRoot's School for Embodied Leadership
(in person and online learning)
Do you have a desire to:
Feel effective in relation to the things you care about most...
Expand your capacity to be presence...
Have a direct connection to Life...
Be grounded, centered, sensual, purpose-driven & creative...
Balance your feminine & masculine aspects…
Be a loving & effective leader?
I. Foundations of Embodiment: Somatics and the Social Body
(Prerequisite for all other modules. Can be fulfilled by other approved programs, as well.)
II: Leading with Body: Shaping yourself to Shape your Environment
III: Creativity: Uniting with Nature, Embodying Eros
IV: Ritual & Ministry: Empowering the Feminine, Feeding the Soul of Community
V: Bringing Your Work To The People: Practical Skills for Project and Program Creation
VI: Embodying Justice, Embodying Wholism: Paradox On Purpose
(Prerequisite: all other modules. Or with approval)
PRIVATE 1-HOUR SESSIONS (x4) WITH DEV and STEPHANIE - throughout program
Final Community Project - in person
School for Embodied Leadership Program
Embodied Leadership is about congruence -- the experience of one's inner life and one's outer life matching up. Embodied Leadership comes forth by meeting yourself honesty, with kindness, taking responsibility for your inner state and your actions, standing in your nature, and relating to the world around you with deep listening, attunement, and a desire to inspire.
Each of us has a unique offering and gift to bring forth. When we share this offering from an embodied place, we find our way into leadership with ease.
We live in a time where we who have been historically marginalized have an unprecedented opportunity to show up and have an impact. This program is for you if you are a teacher, coach, activist, healer, businessperson, artist, or parent, or you just know you’re ready to make a difference in the world. This is our time to shine, and this program is a nurturing womb in which you will grow.
We believe that the foundation for anything you want to create in your life is who you are BEING. Once you embody the fullness of who you are and radiate your vision with a grounded root, resilient heart and clear mind, your actions become intuitive, powerful and effective.
This program is an experiential transformational process held in a safe, supportive container. We will focus on essential embodiment practices, communication and relational skills, powerful resources and the weaving of community based on authenticity and love.
There are many places to develop professional skills, learn productivity tips and learn strategies for building a business. There’s a lot out there about DOING. We're into bringing back BEING.
Read Dev's Embodied Leadership poem...
With us:
Support aliveness and sensitivity in your body.
Learn the secrets to being deeply and authentically connected to people and the environment.
Discover, embody and expand your unique qualities as a woman, and learn the building blocks of heartful leadership.
Balance your inner world of sensation, feeling and knowing, with the outer world of creation.
Cultivate healthy boundaries that support honest, empowering relationships.
Restore integration and flow between your feminine and masculine aspects.
Learn about yourself through the group and interpersonal dynamics.
Discover how your heart transforms and heals.
Expand your capacity of full expression – verbal, non-verbal, subtle, compassionate, wild, magnetic, and more. Explore your edges and your depth in a loving container.
Embody your truth while experimenting with new ways of being in the world.
A Comprehensive Format
The training will be held in Nevada City, CA.
The School for Embodied Leadership's Structure:
We are a dedicated group of people. We intentionally keep the group small (10-12) to ensure each participant gets personal attention and care. The connections we create in the program are essential and life-changing. We’ll be supporting you and your unique needs every step of the way.
In addition to our group activities, each module includes time for self-reflection, self-care and integration.
In order to create a powerful and safe container, we request that participants be present for all weekends. There's nothing like have a dedicated, consistent group with whom to unfold, learn, and practice.
Skills We Practice in the School for Embodied Leadership
1: Grounding and Rooting
Tapping into the power of grounding and earth as a resource.
Cultivating safety – creating a safe place within yourself and within our circle for all of us to show up authentically and honestly.
Cultivating pathways into sensation, feeling and inner knowing through the body.
Develop your capacity for aliveness and learning how to support the life force to restore its natural flow through the body.
Creating a safe container to reconnect with your sexual essence and sensuality, your feminine womb, as well as your passion and tenderness.
Learn how to build a solid foundation in your body, energy and self.
2: Authentic Empowerment ~ The Art of Setting Healthy Boundaries
Opening the channel of authentic power and clarity.
Discover the differences between healthy boundaries and habitual defense, and practice effective boundary setting.
Purify anger and ineffective power struggles.
Learn how to harness personal and collective energy in a co-creative model of empowerment.
Learn how to use your will power without antagonizing people or burning yourself out.
Align with your goals, intentions and actions.
3: Courageous Love ~ Balancing the Healing Heart
Discover your heart’s capacity to transform and heal.
Explore practices for restoring self-love and healthy self-nurturing.
Restore the balance of giving and receiving love, moving away from habitual patterns that create resentment and disappointment.
Cleanse old grief with the power of ritual.
Tap into the profound wisdom of your heart to clarify your path.
Practice authentic communication and relating from a win-win, heart-centered perspective.
Learn how to navigate I-You-We consciousness and maintain balance between them.
Practice relating from a win-win model of sisterhood.
Find a healthy balance of giving and receiving love in your life.
Expand into becoming a heart-centered leader.
4: Visionary Creation ~ Opening to the Creative Mind
Tap into subtle energies and your capacity for perception.
Purify the mind and recognize the difference between vision and hallucination, confusion and knowing.
Cultivate playfulness, creativity and spontaneity.
Re-create your Story and your Self.
From a grounded, embodied place, tap into cosmic forces and higher guidance.
Vision and create from what your body knows is true.
Clarify your essence and sense of purpose.
5: Embodying Wholeness ~ Sharing Yourself with the World
Integrate aspects of yourself into cohesive wholeness.
Practice expressing yourself and your unique essence in community.
Weave your new capacities into your relationships.
Offer your gifts to the world, naturally.
Our Goal:
Our ultimate goal is to help you settle into your yourself, so that you can express yourself and offer your gifts to the world with embodied presence, passion and ease.
This is a chance to gather everything you have already learned and take it to the next level. This program will meet you wherever you are in your life, your work and relationships and open up a whole new level of self-expression.
The journey is from the ground up. We build each layer on top of the other -- from a solid foundation into to the limitless sky of possibility -- to help you embody the truth of who you are!
The program is facilitated by Devorah Bry and supported by Stephanie Meux (and other guest facilitators). Both are long time somatically-oriented therapists and workshop facilitators.
See "The HoneyRoot Team" page for bios.
We've been asked, "What's unique about the School for Embodied Leadership?"
How is it different from other leadership programs?
Here are some fun answers ...
No “rah rah!” motivation fest
We promise! We find that people flourish naturally when they are nurtured, welcomed and listened to. When there’s time and space for your knowing to unfold, you’ll know what to do - no pressure required!
Being, babe, being.
There are lots of programs about What To DO. Skills, techniques, tips and tricks you can get anywhere. The real question, however, is WHO is doing it. The state of being you are in determines the quality of your life and your experience far more than anything else. We focus on the who you BE, trusting that when you’re being your true, organic, whole self, you’ll do what’s right and be able to create the life you want.
Grace with gumption
We want to make sure the spirited one in you has her feet on the ground. We give the divine and sublime a rock solid foundation by dealing head on with stuff like boundaries, vulnerability, jealousy, relationships, sex... you know… life!
From the ground up
Our physical root is one of the most important sources of power, stability and wisdom we know of, especially for women. We take time to create a solid foundation, continuously working with the body as a gateway to aliveness and truth. With an open, grounded root, you can easily spread your branches and blossom into the leader you are meant to be.
Yum (and fun) strictly allowed.
Yes, your body can be luscious. Yes, your heart is delicious. Yes, you can be a spiritual powerful leader and enjoy being sensual, feeling, sensitive, delectable and delightful. In this program, even as we enter into deep, sometimes stirring experiences together, we enjoy each other and have lots of fun.
You’ve got a friend… or two, or ten…
This is not a process where you bare your soul for days to people you’ll never see again. We are in it for months (and most likely, beyond the program, too). We have your back, and we create a community of people who stand beside you, behind you and with you. In the spirit of intentional community and deep friendship we become your launching pad and safety net of support.
You can’t fix what ain't broke
Marketing for personal development programs often implies directly or subtly that there’s something wrong with you, something missing, flawed or incomplete. We beg to differ. We know you are already whole, already awesome. But sometimes your old ‘stuff’ gets in the way and obscures your true self from shining through. We’re here to clear out of that up and help you flourish – not fix you.
No cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all solutions
Can you imagine if we built everyone the same house, or watered every plant the same way…? You are unique, distinct and irreplaceable. Your gifts are different from other people, and instead of trying to be like someone (or everyone) else, we want to celebrate and cultivate what is uniquely yours to bring.
Not just coaching, not just therapy, not just spiritual practice – but the best of all three
Most programs sit squarely inside one of these approaches, and as useful as that can be, it’s often inadequate. We are multi-dimensional, weaving together the 3 pillars of transformation – Awareness, Love and Action. Read more about our 3 pronged approach here.
You’re the superstar, not us
This process is about YOU and helping you find and follow your deepest truth. So yes, the facilitators have over 30 years combined experience doing this work, but that’s not the point. We’re here to help YOU shine - we’re here in deep devotion to bringing your amazing self out into the world!
The wind beneath your wings
Ultimately, leadership is about being the authority over your own life. It’s about touching people’s hearts and inspiring them to trust you and your guidance. When you embody your essential gifts and talents and rest in your inner home, you can’t help but be a leader. Then all your skills and ideas can be shared in whatever way is right for you… The School for Embodied Leadership is the place to fan the flames of your passion and clear the pathway for your heart to take flight.
If this sounds like we're talking about you, please contact us.
We provide healthy delicious catered lunches on the days we meet in person.
Program Price:
The School for Embodied Leadership program, when attended as a whole, is $3800.
($500 less that pricing the program together in segments)
Each individual Module is $675, if taken on it’s own, except for Module I, which is $925.
Organic catered dinners on Thursday and Friday evenings are INCLUDED in the program price,
as is the SEL training manual, tea and snacks.
Past attendees of HoneyRoot programs receive $300 off the program price.
Pay in full before Sept 30th and receive an additional $300 off the total cost.
Flexible and long-term payment plans are available in several different forms, so please contact us if you have any questions about this or about the program, in general.
Other details and FAQ:
We do this for ourselves and all the People who will find their way towards full expression based on our Invitations, our embodied lead.
The modules are for participants only, no children.
We will have a dedicated team of experienced assistants as part of the group.
Click here to find out about other introductory events
The School is very different than HoneyRoot’s Annual HoneyRoot Embodiment Gathering. There are no parallel classes, and the group is much smaller and more intimate. We go deeper, have a lot more time for personal attention and support, and have dedicated time off to rest and integrate. What is similar is our commitment to the many aspects of embodiment and the powerful magic that happens when sisters gather together.
Yes, you can talk to us! We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Please email us with your inquiry, and we will get back to you and set up a time for a personal conversation as soon as possible.
"HoneyRoot continues to bring me home within myself. I have an innate need to feel and to be heard. HoneyRoot's provides me the ingredients for my heart to bridge with my voice.
Within our playground of experiential inquiry, thru music, movement, storytelling and sacred circle, the truth of my being reveals itself and the colors and the imagery unfolds in pure form for me to embrace and to infuse within my paintings and sculpture.
I am forever grateful to the goddesses that gather, that share their souls in community, and are open to the mystery, the embodiment and the beauty that is created in sisterhood.
My mind softens, my heart opens, I feel, I voice... and I create."~Lisa Deniz, Artist
Graduate of 2014 Embodiment School program