Webinar and On Demand Courses Coming Soon!

$90 for the 3 sessions

Welcome to your Root. 

Our base chakra and all the flesh, muscle, tissue, and energy that is lives within is our primary, primordial connection.  Our "deeply rooted" beliefs about safety, security, relational reliability, and self worth reside here, as these were formed in response to some of our earliest experiences.


Feel the ground below you.  
Notice how and with what quality you meet the earth.

Over the course of our time together these layers can be accessed, massaged (both literally and metaphorically), lovingly attended, and brought into present time.  I recommend taking the journey as deeply as you are wanting to go.  I also recommend being barefoot.

Rooting for you, with love.

Topics explored in this course:


1.  Welcoming the Root

2.  Inquiring In, Listening, and Gifting your Root

3.  Root as a Gateway to Power and Abundant Energy
4. Honoring our Roots

Lead Facilitator:


Devorah Bry, MA, CHT, CM founder and co-creator of HoneyRoot Women’s Embodiment Community, has been working therapeutically and facilitating rites of passages for girls, women, men, and couples for over a decade.  She received an ordination from the IM School of Healing Arts in 2004 and received her masters degree in Somatic Psychology in 2007. She is a Certified Hakomi Therapist and has extensive training in a variety of body-oriented healing modalities, including Somatic Experiencing, a trauma resolution therapy, and Biodynamic Cranio-Sacral Therapy, a gentle hands-on alignment of the body's subtle inner rhythms. At essence, Dev is a dancer.  She is a certified Soul Motion™ teacher and offers movement ministry throughout the world. Assisting couples in the spiritual dance of relationship is one of Dev’s greatest gifts and deepest passions.

For more on Dev: http://www.movingfromthecenter.com/

Course Details:

  • Devorah Bry, MA will host three 90 minute webinars, followed by a question and answer session introducing the topics above and inviting you to explore them in your own mind-body through a facilitated exercise.
  • All webinars will be recorded and available to you if you want to re-watch or are unable to attend the live session.
  • Additional support and community participation will be available via a private Facebook course page.
  • Recommended readings, journaling prompts and embodied exercises will be provided to assist you as you integrate each session's inquiry. 


By the course's end, you will have:

1. Gathered a deeper understanding of your root and how to connect with it.

2. Practiced tapping into the abundant energy of the root to support you in your life.

3. Developed practical exercises to help move the energy through your body in your day-to-day life. 

4. Learned to use this energy in service of love.

The roots of all living things are tied together. Deep in the ground of being, they tangle and embrace. This understanding is expressed in the term nonduality. If we look deeply, we find that we do not have a separate self-identity, a self that does not include sun and wind, earth and water, creatures and plants, and one another.
— Joan Halifax