Empowering bodies through Somatic Education,
Intergenerational Collaboration and
Relational Arts

We are dedicated to building greater awareness of our intersecting privileges and oppressions and support our participants in doing the same. We seek to amplify the voices of those who are not normally heard and support and encourage our larger community in doing the same. We honor the diversity of all beings and stand in solidarity towards ending systems of oppression.

HoneyRoot knows that in order to have the impact that we desire, we must simultaneously dedicate ourselves to and continuously grow our capacity to create an intersectional community.

Who we are and what we do:

HoneyRoot is an educational institution, practice community and social service nonprofit that delivers somatically intelligent and emotionally literate educational programs, events, workshops, leadership courses and community rituals to hundreds of people every year. We provide an array of opportunities designed to help people embody the wisdom that lives in their bones, nervous systems, hearts and relational capacities.

We provide embodiment education designed to address and heal the ancient and contemporary wounds that have severed so many of us from the capacity to live at peace within our own bodies, within our world.

Through somatically and relationally-oriented events, we create opportunities to embolden our hearts, and include what has been excluded.  We strive to be a home for full-spectrum living.

What Happens When We Gather?

Donate to support HoneyRoot in its ongoing efforts to bring you enriching embodiment resources. Thank you!


"...body is a sacred space for meeting with spirit. (We) are the weavers of the Universe: through our bodies we take in pure creative essence and then actively create a dynamic form."
~Tami Lynn